How and why does AA team collect personal data?
AA-team collects personal data in the performance of its work. In most cases, this concerns data that it requests from the subject or that the subject provides on its own initiative. Think of a first phone call conversation between AA-team and a (potential) customer or the situation in which a (potential) customer sends an email to AA-team.
AA-team works as carefully as possible when processing personal data. An essential part of that care is transparency. AA-team believes it is important that third parties and data subjects have insight into the way in which it uses personal data and the underlying reasons for this. That is why it has drawn up this statement. If you have any questions or comments after reading this statement, please contact AA-team. Of course, this also applies if you would like to exercise one of the rights described below or if you have a complaint. The full address and name of the contact person can be found at the bottom of this statement.
Who exactly is AA team?
AA-team is responsible for the processing of personal data. She is registered with the (Dutch) Chamber of Commerce under number 24372110, located at Carrouselweg 9 in Hellevoetsluis (The Netherlands), available on telephone number +31 88 112 1121 and by email at
Does AA team have a Data Protection Officer?
AA team has not appointed a Data Protection Officer. It has appointed an employee who acts as the first point of contact when it comes to privacy and personal data. It concerns Mrs. Kwekel. The full address can be found at the bottom of this statement.
What personal data does AA-team process and why does she do this?
AA team processes different types of personal data for different reasons. The data they process the most are:
- Identification data (name, email address, contact person, phone number, Chamber of Commerce number)
- Location data (postal and/or business address)
- Financial data (bank account number, payment details).
AA team processes additional data when applying for a job:
- Family composition, education and training.
If you visit AA-team's website, it also processes other data than indicated above. This can be about:
- Information about the device, location, software usage and the like.
The first main purpose of this processing is to be able to conclude an agreement with the customer. To do this, AA-team and the customer must be able to communicate with each other. Think, for example, of making an inventory of the customer's wishes and drawing up a quotation.
The second main objective is to be able to execute the agreement concluded. Consider, for example, periodic consultations about progress.
The third main goal is to enable invoicing of the work or services, as well as to facilitate payment (and, if necessary, collection).
The fourth main goal is to carry out marketing activities with the aim of getting more customers or increasing brand awareness.
The last main goal is to be able to inform the customer about developments that may be relevant to him or her.
May AA-team process that data?
AA-team processes personal data if this is necessary to establish or execute an agreement with a customer and/or a supplier. This is the case, for example, when a quote is requested, when an order is placed or when AA-team places an order itself. Furthermore, AA-team processes personal data if its own interests justify this. This will be the case if it is reasonably impossible for AA-team to carry out its work without processing that data. Finally, in some cases, AA-team (also) asks permission to use the data. The legal ground(s) for processing are therefore:
- That processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the subject is a party, or takes place at the request of the subject for the conclusion of a contract.
- That processing is necessary for the representation of the legitimate interests of AA-team (or a third party).
- That the subject has given permission for the processing.
With regard to category (2), it applies in all cases to processing operations that are necessary for AA-team to be able to realize its services. It simply cannot do its work, it cannot communicate, it cannot make offers, etc. without using the customer's personal data. It therefore has a legitimate interest in those processing operations. AA-team believes that this interest, when weighed against the interest of the subject, should take precedence. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the fact that the AA-team knows from experience that such processing usually does not give rise to objections. AA-team therefore takes that as its starting point. Second, the fact that AA-team does not keep the data longer than necessary. In order to nevertheless respect the rights of the subject as much as possible, AA-team only uses the data that is necessary to achieve the purpose.
With regard to category (3), given permission can be withdrawn at any time, without stating reasons.
Do those personal data also end up with others?
AA-team will in some cases share personal data with parties it works with. These are so-called 'processors'. AA-team has concluded agreements with those processors. These serve to ensure that those processors (just like AA-team itself) handle that data with care. For example, under that agreement, that processor is obliged to ensure proper security, to handle that data confidentially and to destroy the data.
AA-team does not intend to share personal data with parties other than processors. At the most, it provides that, in a single case, information will be shared with (another) employee of the customer or with parties that have a direct relationship with the customer.
Will the personal data remain in Europe?
In this context, reference is made to the European Economic Area (EEA). It consists of the countries of the EU, supplemented by Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. All countries that fall outside of this are considered a 'third country'. AA-team in some cases transfers personal data to third countries, especially the US. This only happens if it has been expressly established, at European level, that an appropriate level of personal data security is guaranteed in the country concerned. With regard to the US, we only pass on data to parties that are certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield.
How long will the data be kept?
AA-team keeps the data collected by it for different periods, depending on the category of data and the way in which it was collected. The precise deadlines are included in the register of processing activities that AA-team has drawn up.
In determining the applicable terms, AA-team first of all based this on statutory (minimum) terms. Think of the legal obligation to keep accounting information. Furthermore, the AA-team has sought, where possible, to link up with the retention periods included in the Exemption Decree from the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act (Vrijstellingsbesluit Wbp). For example, with regard to the customer's contact details, a retention period that runs for a maximum of one year after termination of the relationship between the parties. Finally, AA-team has been guided by its interests and those of its customers in determining the retention periods. For example, it can be important for both parties that documents in which (further) agreements have been recorded are kept for longer than two years. If such documents (e.g. email correspondence) contain personal data, they will therefore also be saved.
With regard to the data collected via the cookies on the website, the retention periods as described in the Cookie Statement apply. (see elsewhere on this website)
What rights do I have?
By law you are a 'subject' and subjects have a number of concretely defined legal rights. You can submit a request to AA-team to view, receive, change or delete your personal data. You can also object to the (further) processing of your data. If AA-team processes your personal data based on your consent, you can withdraw that consent at any time. For all these matters and for other questions, please contact:
- AA-team
Mrs. Kwekel
Antwoordnummer 24
+31 181 312 288
AA-team will respond to your message within one month.
If you believe that AA-team is acting in violation of the applicable laws and regulations regarding personal data, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority: Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Postbus 93374, 2509 AJ DEN HAAG, THE NETHERLANDS).
Does AA team have automated decision-making?
There is no automated decision-making at AA-team.
What else do I need to know?
- In order to be able to conduct a proper privacy policy, AA-team has established a register of all the ways in which it processes personal data. For each processing, the purpose, the basis and the storage period are included. If you believe that you have been insufficiently informed with this Privacy Statement, you can request access to that register.
- AA-team has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. A description thereof is also included in the processing register. The AA-team periodically assesses whether these measures are still sufficient.
- AA-team's privacy policy also covers matters separate from its relationships with its customers. For example, there is also a retention period for applicant data.
- AA-team ensures that all its employees are aware of its privacy policy and that they are also aware of its importance. All employees are obliged to keep personal data confidential.
- From time to time it will be necessary to change this Statement. AA-team has the right to do that. We recommend that you periodically check this Statement for any changes.
Version 1.0, dated 11-12-2019
AA-team puts the customer first and keeps it clear for everyone: one point of contact for assistance, recovery and replacement transport is the most efficient solution.