More than 40 European countries
AA-team offers roadside assistance in more than forty European countries. Worldwide assistance is also an option, for which a partnership has been setup with the AvD (Automobilclub von Deutschland). Their working method fits in seamlessly with that of AA team. The customer's interests come first (thinking and acting from the customer's point of view). Quality assurance, quick answering of calls, short arrival times to the location of the stranded vehicle and a wide choice of replacement vehicles. Roadside assistance Europe is put into use 25 kilometers across the Dutch border. Europe assistance offered by car companies is a standard holiday package for private use, other conditions apply for business use in Europe.
Replacement vehicles
In most European countries, Dutch cars are available during the summer holidays, with and without a towbar. If these are not in stock, a foreign car rental company will almost always ask for a credit card. As an emergency center we have no influence on this. If you do not have a credit card, you may be offered a train journey as replacement transport. The age of the driver and/or the commencement date of the driving license may also influence whether or not a rental car is provided and/or an increase in the insurance premium. As an emergency center we have no influence on this either.

When will I get replacement transport?
If you have 'replacement transport' in your package, our employees will always do their utmost to deploy the correct replacement transport for you, but keep in mind that in the event of a breakdown an (equivalent) replacement car might not be immediately available. Be prepared and please read this carefully.
First of all, the concept of replacement transport does not just stand for an (equivalent) replacement car. It also stands for transport by taxi, public transport, air travel, bicycle or driving back with the recovery vehicle and is primarily used as a means of getting home or to destination after a breakdown. How, which category and when depends on which conditions our contractor has included in your subscription. There are also subscriptions without replacement transport, or only reimbursement of a train ticket and there are subscriptions with extra days for a replacement vehicle. If you have breakdown assistance through a car or lease company, they often offer a free or cheap option for extra days for a replacement vehicle during the duration of the repair.
As a roadside assistance provider, we therefore have various options for deploying replacement transport and in the event of the use of a rental car, you can usually rent a higher category car by means of additional payments than that which our contracting party has included in its terms and conditions.
- Driver's license: Every car rental company checks whether the entitled person has a valid driver's license with them. If he/she does not have a driver's license with him/her, a rental car cannot be provided. The emergency center will then discuss the alternatives with the driver.
- Driver's age: The car rental company can apply a minimum age limit, with the result that no rental car may be provided.
- Credit card: A car is hardly rented out abroad without the driver being able to physically show a credit card at the rental desk. "No credit card means no car" is more the rule than the exception. Sometimes the car that broke down can serve as a deposit so that a car can still be rented locally from the recovery company or car company, but then the car is usually not allowed to cross the border.
- Credit Card Deposit: International car rental companies always reserve the deposit from the driver's credit card. The credit card and driver must be physically present to receive the car. The settlement will then take place when the car has been returned. Copies or cash deposit will not be accepted.
- Dutch rental car: Dutch rental cars are available in many major European holiday resorts that can be used without a credit card. In some cases it is possible to deliver a Dutch rental car within 2 weeks in combination with collecting the car that broke down, this can be a solution for people who have had a car breakdown at the beginning of the holiday.
- Towbar/roof rack: Cars equipped with a towbar and/or roof rack are not always in stock at every (inter)national car rental company, which means that the delivery time may be longer, the distance is further than expected or that you might have to resume your trip with a vehicle that doesn't meet the desired requirements. If the subscription conditions state that it concerns a vehicle in category A, B or C, our relation can charge the difference in costs of the additional price per day. In the summer months and winter sports period, Dutch cars are available in various countries with towbars and/or roof racks and we also have the option to deliver a suitable replacement car to your destination.
- Rigid truck, 7- or 9-person car: The same applies here as for cars with a towbar/roof carrier, on the understanding that our contractor is usually not responsible for the load if there is no rigid truck in stock. If a 7- or 9-person car is not available, the option of using a second rental car will be discussed. This is only possible if there are two drivers with a driver's license and credit card.
- Repair time: By this we mean either the disassembly and assembly time or the working time that a mechanic deems necessary to repair the vehicle. If you have replacement transport and/or hotel in your subscription, the guideline for frequently chosen subscriptions is that replacement transport is not immediately used if the repair time is shorter than 3 or 4 hours.
- Extra day(s) and/or kilometers: Car rental companies always state the number of days and usually use a maximum number of kilometers per day. Local rental companies usually have 100 kilometers per day and international rental companies often have 250 kilometers per day. Most subscriptions do not include compensation for the extra kilometers (and/or extra days) and is at the expense of the driver, if the driver does not own the car, the owner of the car can consider paying this to the driver.
- Redemption of deductible: Is always at the expense of the driver, if the driver does not own the car, the owner of the car can consider reimbursing the driver.
- Collection of replacement car: In most subscriptions, the taxi costs up to 25 km are reimbursed to collect a replacement car.
- Returning a replacement car: In the first instance, the rental company indicates where the driver can return the car. Additional costs will be charged for collection and/or delivery, which will be charged to the driver. If the driver is not the owner of the car, the owner of the car can consider reimbursing the driver.
Taking care of the repatriation up to a distance of 500 and 1000 kilometers to the destination takes on average 5 and 10 working days. Is the distance greater and/or in high season? Then this period can be up to 15 working days. Always make sure that valuable items are removed from your car. If the owner of the storage location cannot be blamed, then nothing can be recovered in the event of damage or theft.
AA-team quickly arranges roadside assistance in more than 40 European countries, with alternative transport options